Junction Box Adapter

A meter enclosure is the equipment you own that is
attached to your home where the electric meter is
placed. The enclosure safely and securely separates
FPL wiring from your wiring that goes into the panel box.
These meter enclosures should only be opened by an
FPL representative, approved contractor or qualified
professional electrician.
A junction box adapter will be used if power is currently
provided from an overhead power line.
The junction box will be installed at the time of the
planned outage for the underground conversion. The
timing of this will be communicated prior to the outage.
Sufficient space on the wall will be required to install the
junction box.
You may elect to replace the existing meter enclosure with
one that will accept new underground cable in place of a
junction box adapter. This option would be at your expense
and would need to be completed prior to the start of the
underground conversion in coordination with FPL.
An FPL representative or an approved contractor will
discuss the details regarding the placement and removal
of electric equipment required for the new underground